Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lenses?

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Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lenses?

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Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lenses?

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Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lenses?

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Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lenses?

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Specialty contact lenses provide a unique solution for individuals with specific vision needs. Unlike regular contact lenses, which are designed for common refractive errors like nearsightedness and farsightedness, specialty lenses cater to more complex eye conditions. These lenses are custom-made to address visual impairments that cannot be corrected by standard eyewear.

Different Types of Specialty Contact Lenses

One type of specialty contact lens is scleral lenses. Scleral lenses are larger in diameter compared to regular contact lenses and rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye. Because they vault over the cornea, they create a tear-filled space that enhances comfort and provides clear vision for individuals with irregular corneas or corneal diseases.

Another type of specialty contact lens is hybrid lenses. These lenses combine a rigid gas permeable center with a soft outer ring, offering the benefits of both rigid and soft lenses. Hybrid lenses are ideal for individuals with irregular corneas, keratoconus, or high astigmatism.

In addition to scleral lenses and hybrid lenses, there are several other types of specialty contact lenses available. Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses are rigid and allow oxygen to pass through the lens material. They are suitable for individuals with irregular corneas or those who require highly precise vision correction.

For individuals with presbyopia, multifocal contact lenses are a popular option. These lenses have different zones to correct near and distance vision, allowing individuals to see clearly at various distances without the need for reading glasses.

Who Can Benefit from Specialty Contact Lenses

Specialty contact lenses are beneficial for individuals with various eye conditions. Those with irregular corneas, such as those caused by keratoconus or corneal scarring, can greatly benefit from specialty lenses. These lenses provide clear and comfortable vision by creating a smooth optical surface over the irregular cornea.

Individuals with high astigmatism, which cannot be adequately corrected by regular contact lenses, can also benefit from specialty lenses. The customized design of these lenses ensures that the astigmatism is properly addressed, resulting in improved visual acuity and clarity.

Additionally, individuals who have undergone corneal surgeries, such as corneal transplants, may require specialty lenses to optimize their visual outcomes. These lenses can compensate for irregularities caused by the surgery and provide enhanced vision.

Consulting with an Optometrist for the Right Fit

When considering specialty contact lenses, it is crucial to consult with an optometrist who specializes in fitting these lenses. An optometrist will assess your specific eye condition, measure your eyes, and determine the most suitable type of specialty lens for your needs.

During the fitting process, the optometrist will take detailed measurements of your eyes to ensure the lenses fit properly and provide optimal vision correction. They will also provide instructions on lens care and hygiene to maintain eye health while wearing the lenses.

Regular follow-up appointments with the optometrist are essential to monitor the fit and condition of the lenses. Adjustments may be necessary to ensure ongoing comfort and visual acuity. By working closely with an optometrist, you can maximize the benefits of specialty contact lenses and ensure long-term eye health.

Schedule a consultation with our optometrist to discover if specialty contact lenses are there right solution for your visual needs, visit Eyecare Associates of Parsons at our office in Parsons, Kansas. Call (620) 421-2330 to book an appointment today.

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